As you may be aware we are having to rebuild the sewer plant (Central Valley Water
Reclamation Facility, CVWRF-CIP) which we own with six other government
entities. This project is a $300 million dollar project that will take approx. 15 years
to complete. This rebuild is to meet new EPA and Utah Department of Water Quality
Due to tariffs on steel and other materials including labor, the costs to reconstruct that
plant have increased approximately 20% in 2018. Also, the Mt Olympus charge of
$10.00 per monthly has not increase for the past four years and it is time to adjust it to
help cover the cost of running a business operation. We have met with the Districts
financial advisers (George K Baum) and they have also recommended the proposed rate
With this proposed rate increase the District rate will continue to be the lowest rate of
all sewer districts and cities along the Wasatch Front, with many districts and cities
charging in the mid $20’s per month. Our rate will go from $15.00 to $17.00 per
A public hearing will be held November 14th at 6pm to take public comment on the
tentative budget and rate increase, or you may email the District controller at
[email protected] with your concerns and they will be shared with the Board of