NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Utah Code Section 17B-1-643, the Board of Trustees of Mt. Olympus Improvement District will hold a public hearing on the proposed fee increase and budget for said District for the year 2023.
The District is proposing an increase of the monthly charge for sewer service to all District customers from $21.00 per residential equivalent (RE) to $23.00 per RE effective January 1, 2023. The proposed increase of $2.00 per month per RE is necessary to continue to rebuild the 35+ year old sewer treatment plant and to meet new requirements set by the EPA and State of Utah Division of Water Quality as well as continued maintenance of District infrastructure. All concerned citizens are invited to the Public Hearing on:
Date: November 22, 2022
Time: 6:00 P.M.
Place: Mt. Olympus Improvement District
3932 South 500 East
Salt Lake City, Utah 84107
The proposed budget for the year 2023 will be on display at the District Office for public inspection, for seven (7) days prior to said hearing.
All interested persons shall be given the opportunity to be heard. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing communicative aids and services for this meeting should call the District giving at least 72 hours notice of their needs.
Kerry S. Eppich
General Manager